
At Least 953 Media Workers Catch Coronavirus Deadly Disease: Survey by Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan

Mr. Khelwatgar urged the government to facilitate the access to information and called on media agencies to help employees take care of their health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Killid Group
30 Jun 2020
At Least 953 Media Workers Catch Coronavirus Deadly Disease: Survey by Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan
Mujib Khelwatgar, CEO of the NAI/Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan. (Photo by: Social Media)

A survey conducted by Nai or Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan (SOMA) illustrated that at least 953 media workers have by far caught the novel coronavirus and a total of six employees have lost their lives to the pandemic, according to Mujib Khelwatgar, the SOMA’s CEO.

Addressing a news conference, Mujib Khelwatgar, the chief executive officer of the NAI/Supporitng Open Media in Afghanistan cited the survey, saying that out of the total number of media employees infected with the COVId-19 virus, as many as 568 were infected only in the capital Kabul.

Mr. Khelwatgar urged the government to facilitate the access to information and called on media agencies to help employees take care of their health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It comes as the infection toll in the Afghanistan now hit 31,517 with a total of 745 related deaths, according to the data collated by the Afghan health ministry.

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