
Suhail Shaheen meets with French Chargé d’Affaires for Afghanistan

Suhail Shaheen, head of the Islamic Emirate’s political office in Qatar, met with Jean-Marin Schuh, the French Chargé d’Affaires for Afghanistan, to discuss the Islamic Emirate’s engagement with the international community.

Frishta Sultani
30 Apr 2024
Suhail Shaheen meets with French Chargé d’Affaires for Afghanistan

Shaheen wrote on Twitter that the meeting also covered humanitarian aid, development projects, and alternative crop projects for Afghan farmers.

It is worth mentioning that the leader of the Islamic Emirate has banned the cultivation, production, purchase, sale, smuggling, and use of narcotics in Afghanistan.

Following this decree, poppy cultivation has decreased significantly in Afghanistan. However, the Islamic Emirate has asked the international community to cooperate with Afghanistan in providing alternative crops for farmers.

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