
Islamic Emirate Rejected The UN Security Council Report

Zabihullah Mujahid, Islamic Emirate Spokesperson rejected the UN Security Council Report on ISIS and its operational capabilities in Afghanistan and said that Afghan security forces have conducted hundreds of continuous operations against illegal weapons and ISIS. As a result, weapons and ammunition were captured and ISIS’s operational capabilities were destroyed.

Sadaf Yarmal
27 Aug 2023
Islamic Emirate Rejected The UN Security Council Report

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again rejects these baseless accusations and, while calling for transparent involvement in such issues, states that in the last two years, Afghan security forces have conducted hundreds of continuous operations against illegal weapons and ISIS. As a result, weapons and ammunition were captured and ISIS’s operational capabilities were destroyed”, Mujahid said.

Mujahid added, “Anyone who makes such baseless claims is either uninformed or giving morale to ISIS and destabilizing the region”.

Mujahid emphasizes that the activities of Daesh in Afghanistan have been reduced to zero in the last year, and yet an international organization is spreading such undocumented and negative propaganda and cannot provide proof about it, putting the status of the organization under question.

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