
Children Deprived of Education Looking for Piece of Bread

Many children deprived of education in Uruzgan province are wandering in search of food for their families.

Ehsanullah Wolesmal
15 Nov 2022
Children Deprived of Education Looking for Piece of Bread

Experts have expressed concern about the future of these children and say that the government should provide them with educational facilities.

10-year-old Zainullah, who has four brothers and sisters, says that he works at a bakery and they give him 10 loaves of bread every day.
According to Zainullah, last year he was a student in the fifth grade, and this year he was going to the sixth grade, but when his brother became unemployed after the political changes, he was forced to stop his education and work.
He says: “I used to study so I decided to go to school, but I couldn’t and now I work in this bakery”.

It is not only Zainullah who is deprived of education and forced to work, but thousands of other children are also deprived of education due to the poor economic situation of their families and lack of guardians.

15-year-old Mohammad Sadegh is another child who works in a car repair shop. He says that he used to study, but recently, supporting his family forced him to work instead of studying.
He added that if he is given the opportunity to study, he is willing to study alongside his work.
“I used to go to school, now I work in a car repair shop. He gives me 2,500 Kaldars. If the situation for going to school is provided for me, I will go to school”.

On the other hand, this year a number of children whose families have moved from one region to another have also missed out on education.
Mukhtar Ahmad, who used to live with his family in Trinkot city, used to go to school there, but now that he has moved to Sarkhum village, he has been deprived of going to school.
“Our house was in the bazaar, I used to go to school, but now our house is far from the bazaar, and I can’t go to school. I want a school to be built in our area”.

A number of experts have expressed their concern about the condition of children and emphasize that the government and charitable organizations should pay attention to the condition of the people as soon as possible and provide education for children.
Wali Mohammad Alakozai, one of the experts, says: ‘In Uruzgan province, both children and adults are facing severe hunger and they are forced to do hard labor.
The situation of children compared to adults is extremely worrying, international aid should be provided in various fields for the people.

However, government officials in Uruzgan province say that efforts are underway to provide education for children so that orphaned children in the city and remote areas can enjoy education.
Qari Aghawali Quraishi, the head of the information and culture department of Uruzgan Province, told Radio Killid that efforts are being made to improve the education field for children who are deprived of education.

“We want to activate local schools and classes for those children who do not have access to education. The Department of Labor and Social Affairs conducts its survey for homeless and needy children. We have also introduced them to supporting organizations to help them”.

At the same time, after the political changes in the country, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has also expressed concern about the situation and education of children in Afghanistan and has asked the international community to take care of Afghan children.

Translated by: Shir Ali Jafari

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