
Israel Lunched Rocket Attacks on Some Parts of Syria

Israeli forces have targeted Damascus, Rif, and Aleppo airfields with rocket attacks.

نویسنده: Shir Ali Jafari
1 Sep 2022
Israel Lunched Rocket Attacks on Some Parts of Syria

The Syrian State News Agency SANA has reported that these attacks were launched on Wednesday evening.

The source added that the Syrian air defense system destroyed the rockets fired at Damascus and Aleppo airfields in the air.

Meanwhile, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says that Israel has targeted the Aleppo airfield and the Iranian rocket depot around the airfield with four rockets. This organization added that these rocket attacks caused a fire and explosion in the Aleppo airport.

Meanwhile, according to unofficial reports, the target of Israel’s rocket attacks was an Iranian plane that wanted to land at the Aleppo airport.

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