
Afghan Politicians Optimistic about Moscow Meeting

A number of prominent Afghan politicians are expected to participate Moscow meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, as the countries mark 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations at a time Afghanistan is cutting a rough period evolving on peace and security.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
28 May 2019
Afghan Politicians Optimistic about Moscow Meeting
Moscow is the capital & most populous city of Russia, located in the far western part of the country. (Credit to Photographer: Unknown)

A number of prominent Afghan politicians are expected to participate Moscow meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, as the countries mark 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations at a time Afghanistan is cutting a rough period evolving on peace and security.

Former President Hamid Karzai and chairman of the High Peace Council Mohammad Karim Khalili will attend the meeting.

“We are trying to explain the ideas of the people of Afghanistan regarding the peace process from every platform; therefore, Mr. Khalili will attend the meeting,” the HPC deputy spokesman Assadullah Zaeeri said, local media reported.

Meanwhile, close sources to the Taliban said, a number of delegation from the Taliban’s political office in Doha will also attend the Moscow meeting.

The council is optimistic about the meetings, saying it will pave the way for Afghan government to have a face-to-face talks with the Taliban representatives on peace and stability in the country, which the Taliban has been denying since ever.

·        Moscow Talks Amid Afghan Government Controversy

Moscow meeting is believed to put some key topics before participants, including strengthening ties between Kabul and Moscow, as well as a direct peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban representatives.

“It is expected that these efforts will pave the way for peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban,” said HPC spokesman Ghafoor Ahmad Jawed, as local media quoted.

According to sources, Afghan ambassador to Moscow Latif Bahand will also attend the meeting.

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