
Parts of Sancharak District Collapse

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – Provincial authorities said aggressive attacks by the Taliban militants in several areas of Sancharak district in northwest of the country rocked the city, adding Khowaja Surkh, Archito and Bazar Bashi areas have collapsed into the hands of the militants Saturday evening.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
14 Apr 2019
Parts of Sancharak District Collapse

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – Provincial authorities said aggressive attacks by the Taliban militants in several areas of Sancharak district in northwest of the country rocked the city, adding Khowaja Surkh, Archito and Bazar Bashi areas have collapsed into the hands of the militants Saturday evening.

Mohammad Noor Rahmani, Head of Provincial Council, confirming the news told The Killid, “In this clash at least one Public Uprising Forces member has been killed and two further wounded.”

Although, the 209th Shaheen Corps last week said it had dispatched supporting forces to secure the areas; but seemingly was not enough to fight against insurgents, raising voices of residents to provide further support and carry airstrike operations against militant’s hideouts.

Meanwhile, in another incident in Gosfandi district of the province, some 100 cattle and livestock have been seized by the Taliban.

The 209th Shaheen Corps in a statement said the Taliban after carrying attacks over several military posts in the Gosfandi district, have seized livestock of the residents with themselves while retreating.

Taliban so far did not comment on the claims.


Jawad Nabi Zada of The Radio Killid Contributed to this report.

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