
Continuance of Aids to Herat Earthquake Victims

Officials of the Ministry of Economy said that they are trying to provide timely, quick and regular aid to the people affected by the earthquake in Zendah Jan district of Herat.

نویسنده: Sadaf Yarmal
11 Oct 2023
Continuance of Aids to Herat Earthquake Victims

The official added that special committees have been set up to deliver aid, and the Office of Directorate of Ministries is on the top.

Abdul Rahman Habib, the spokesman of Ministry of Economy said, “Ministry of Economy also had some meetings with a number of non-governmental organizations, so that the aid given to the earthquake victims should be done in a transparent manner. We have formed a committee to monitor these aids.”

Although, the officials of Ministry of Economy do not say how much aid was given to the earthquake victims; however, in addition to 100 million from the Office of Directorate of Ministries, 200 million AFs donation has been announced by the head of Azizi Group.

The King Salman Charity Foundation has also donated two million U.S dollars worth of food to the victims of Zendeh Jan district of Herat.

According to the officials of this foundation, 15 thousand and 750 tons of food will be delivered to the earthquake-affected areas of Herat soon.

Meanwhile, some experts in affairs also say that in order to provide transparent and quick aid to the earthquake-affected areas, it is necessary that some non-governmental institutions work together with government agencies so that the required aid can reach the needy people on time.

Social activist Mashal Samsoor told Killid about this, “First of all, the government needs to monitor these aids and attempts to let some non-governmental and international institutions monitor this situation so that the aid reaches all needy people.”

Economic Deputy of Ministers’ Directorate says, a high-ranking Emirate delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, arrived at Herat province on Monday morning.

It is written on the X page of this Deputy Ministry that the said delegation traveled to this province to visit the earthquake-affected areas.

It should be noted that according to the latest statistics, more than 1,000 people died and more than 2,000 people were injured in 20 villages of Zendeh Jan district due to the earthquake.

Translated by Muhammad Yousuf “Zakir”

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