
Mental Problems of Earthquake Victims in Herat

I go to Herat Regional Hospital to visit the victims of earthquakes. Where most of the injured and affected by the earthquake from different districts of Herat province have been transferred for treatment.

نویسنده: Sadaf Yarmal
11 Oct 2023
Mental Problems of Earthquake Victims in Herat

In each corner of the hospital, the sound of moaning and screaming was heard, the sound of the cries of the wounded and those who have lost their loved ones.

The moaning of a woman catches my attention and I go to her. When I talk to him, she introduces her name Bibi Gul and says that she lost his four children.

“I was living in the black village of Zendeh Jan district, I lost my four children. My house was destroyed and I was displaced to the corner of the road, O Muslims! we are destined.”

Bibi Gul was left alone with her pain; I went to a young girl who was impatient after losing her loved ones.

Her name is Fatima and she was seriously injured in this incident.

She says: “I lost two daughters and three brothers.” One of my daughters is also missing, I am left with no destiny. My whole life and my family were destroyed. What else should I do with my life?”

It is not only Bibi Gul and Fatima who are impatient in the mourning of their loved ones but wherever we turn in the regional hospital of Herat, which is full of sadness and sorrow.

Nafas Gul, another earthquake victim who was unable to speak because of the intensity of crying, said with difficulty that she lost twelve members of her family.

“I was in the kitchen at the time of the earthquake and I asked for help as soon as the earthquake happened. I saved some of my children and some were buried with my grandchildren. We are all ruined!”

However, some mental health experts believe that in addition to physical treatment, earthquake victims should also be treated mentally and emotionally.

Mohammad Shafiq “Omar”, a mental health specialist at Herat Regional Hospital, says that not paying attention to the mental health of the victims will cause various mental illnesses over time.

“If these people are not under the care of doctors and departments related to mental health, they will experience dangerous and severe mental illnesses over time such as severe depression, insanity, disorder, and neurosis. Negligence in this area will have dire consequences.”

Mr. Omair adds that women and children suffer more of mental illness and have been treated at Herat Regional Hospital in recent days.

Including a deadly earthquake occurred on Saturday (7th Oct) in Herat’s Zendeh Jan district, back to back earthquakes with different magnitudes occurred; on the 11th of October around 5:30 a.m. early morning, Herat city once again witnessed earthquakes and officials of the Ministry of Natural Disasters announced that number of dead and injured were more than 4,000.

Translated by Muhammad Yousuf “Zakir” 

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