
Residents of Remote Areas of Kandahar Need Female Doctors in Their Villages.

Kandahar, like other remote provinces and districts of Afghanistan, lacks presence of female doctors, the main reason for this is the previous governments and the people themselves, because did not pay enough attention to women’s education.

Shir Ali Jafari
27 Dec 2022
Residents of Remote Areas of Kandahar Need Female Doctors in Their Villages.

Although people complain about the lack of female doctors in health centers, the question is that in the last 20 years, millions of dollars have been spent on education in Afghanistan, but the education of girls is still necessary and has not been paid enough attention to it.

The Directorate of Public Health says that there is a large health center in every district, where male and female doctors are present.

People also ask the Islamic Emirate to educate girls as soon as possible so that girls in all remote areas of the country can become doctors and serve people in various fields.

Saifullah is a resident of the Khakriz district of Kandahar and brought his wife to Mirwais hospital.

He says that in the district health center, there is only one female doctor, and when she is not there, they are forced to bring patients to the center after walking for several hours on the dirt road.

‘My wife is sick, now if the female doctor was there, why I would bother so much, I would take the patients to the lady doctor there.’

Residents of the Maroof district of Kandahar also suffer from the same problem.

Zainullah, one of the residents of this district, says that there is a health center in this district, but there is no female doctor, and due to this reason, they are forced to send their patients to Zabul or Kandahar provinces.
‘The situation in our district is uneven, we don’t have female doctors, and we have to send them to Zabul or Kandahar provinces.’

The Department of Public Health in Kandahar also confirms the lack of female doctors in remote areas and says that in most areas, there are very few health facilities and the number of female doctors is very low.

The representative of this department, Dr. Mohammad Musa Popal, says that there is a health center in all districts of this province, where male and female doctors are available.

According to him, there is a shortage of female doctors in some districts, and the reason for this is that the same number of female doctors are assigned to Kandahar’s health system.

‘In fact, there are problems, there are not enough female doctors, and the general medical structure of this province is like this.’

Halima Sokon studied midwifery at a private institute of higher education in Kandahar.

He told Radio Killid that if job opportunities are provided to her in distant districts, she is ready to go there to do this work.

If I am offered a job there and facilities are provided to me, I have no problem, I will continue my work there.’

On the other hand, civil activist Fazel Mohammad Faizi says that this problem will not be solved until the people of the districts educate girls.

Our problem will be solved when schools are opened in villages and girls are sent to schools.

Not only in Kandahar, but also in many remote districts of the country, there is a problem of lack of female doctors, and the citizens ask the Islamic Emirate to solve this problem.

Translated by: Shir Ali Jafari

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