
Zelensky: Russia Destroys Ukraine’s Infrastructures

Volodymyr Zelensky, in his latest statement, has accused Russia of destroying Ukrainian infrastructures.

Shir Ali Jafari
12 Sep 2022
Zelensky: Russia Destroys Ukraine’s Infrastructures

The president of Ukraine has said: “The Russian forces retaliate, their defeats in the east of Ukraine by destroying the infrastructures”.

Zelensky said these words after the massive power outage in Kharkiv.

He also added that he will stand against Russian aggression at any cost.

At the same time, Zelensky in an interview with CNN said that he will not enter into a dialogue with the Russian forces until they leave Ukraine.

The Ukrainian authorities claim that as a result of counter-attack operations, they have taken back more than 3,000 square kilometers of their territory in the east of the country.

This is while, according to reports, in eastern Ukraine, including in Kharkiv and Donetsk, about 9 million people are living in the dark, due to power outages.

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