
Coronavirus: Afghanistan to Extend Restrictions

Afghanistan’s health ministry announced that coronavirus restrictions will be extended for another two weeks, taking effect on Saturday, June 12, in 16 provinces, including the capital, Kabul.

The Killid Group
8 Jun 2021
Coronavirus: Afghanistan to Extend Restrictions
Photo: TKG/Nilofar Niekpor

The announcement comes ten days after the ministry declared closure of all schools, universities and educational centers in bids to fight the third wave of the coronavirus.

Restrictions will be extended for two more weeks in 16 Afghan provinces, including the Afghan capital of Kabul health ministry deputy spokesman Mirwais Alizai confirms to TKG, saying it will take effect on Saturday, June 12.

According to the spokesman, the provinces that restrictions will take effect in include Kabul, Ghazni, Helmand, Kandahar, Logar, Nangarhar, Paktia, Maidan Wardak, Parwan, Panjshir, Balkh Laghman, Badakhshan, Kapisa, Nimroz and Kunduz.

Gyms, swimming pools and restaurants will also be shut for two weeks, he said.

Earlier on Saturday, May 29, the Ministry of Public Health announced the closure of all schools, universities and educational institutions for two weeks.

The ministry also had said government employees including pregnant women and those who were at high risk were off for this period.

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