
Four Afghan Forces Killed as Taliban Attacks Security Checkpoint in Paktia

April 28 (The Killid Group) – Four Afghan soldiers were killed as the armed Taliban attacked a checkpoint in the southeastern Paktia, security official said on Monday. Late on Monday’s evening, the Taliban militants attacked on a security checkpoint in center of Paktia province, leaving four Afghan troops killed, Tariq Arian, a spokesman for the […]

نویسنده: Sajia
28 Apr 2020
Four Afghan Forces Killed as Taliban Attacks Security Checkpoint in Paktia

April 28 (The Killid Group) Four Afghan soldiers were killed as the armed Taliban attacked a checkpoint in the southeastern Paktia, security official said on Monday.

Late on Monday’s evening, the Taliban militants attacked on a security checkpoint in center of Paktia province, leaving four Afghan troops killed, Tariq Arian, a spokesman for the ministry of interior, took to Twitter.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying five Afghan forces were killed and/or injured.

Recently, the Taliban insurgents have been ramping up their dead-dealing assaults on the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) across the country.

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