
Health Ministry: Afghanistan COVID-19 Cases Top 1,700

27 (The Killid Group) — Afghanistan reported an additional 172 new cases of the coronavirus on Monday, bringing its national case count to 1,703. Afghanistan lost seven more people to the coronavirus from Sunday to Monday, said its health ministry spokesman, Dr. Waheedullah Mayar, addressing a press conference. With seven confirmed deaths in the past […]

نویسنده: Sajia
27 Apr 2020
Health Ministry: Afghanistan COVID-19 Cases Top 1,700
Health ministry spokesman Waheedullah Mayar. (Photo by: Social Media)

27 (The Killid Group) — Afghanistan reported an additional 172 new cases of the coronavirus on Monday, bringing its national case count to 1,703.

Afghanistan lost seven more people to the coronavirus from Sunday to Monday, said its health ministry spokesman, Dr. Waheedullah Mayar, addressing a press conference.

With seven confirmed deaths in the past 24 hours (two in each Herat and Balkh, and one in each Sare Pul, Kunar and Kandahar), total fatalities in the country are now at 57, Mayar added.

Balkh confirmed 34 more cases, according to data from the health ministry, whereas a total of 33 infections were recorded in Herat in the past 24 hours.

Other provinces reporting new cases of coronavirus include Kabul (27), Kandahar (21), Paktia and Baghlan each (8), Kunduz (7), and Sare Pul as well as the western Ghor province each (5).

Mayar further added, in the past 24 hours, four cases of the highly contagious coronavirus in each Nimrouz and Samangan provinces, three in each Nangarhar, Laghman and Khost, two in the southern Helmand, and one in each Paktika and Panjshir provinces were detected and tested.

According to the official data provided by the health ministry, at least 13 patients having been infected with the novel COVID-19 have recovered, bringing the recovery toll to 220 in the country.

Globally, at least 206,000 people have died from COVID-19 and more than 2.9 million have been infected by the coronavirus pandemic, following an outbreak that started in Chinese central city of Wuhan, in early December.

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