
Officials Defuse Roadside Mine in Laghman

LAGHMAN (The Killid Group) – Afghan security forces defused a roadside mine planted by the Taliban in eastern province of Afghanistan, local authorities said.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
4 Sep 2019
Officials Defuse Roadside Mine in Laghman

LAGHMAN (The Killid Group) Afghan security forces defused a roadside mine planted by the Taliban in eastern province of Afghanistan, local authorities said.

Asadullah Dowlatzai, spokesman for Laghman Governor, told The Killid, “armed anti-government insurgents planted a mine in Umarzai, center of the Laghman province, which the security forces discovered and then defused.”

The insurgents wanted to target Afghan forces by planting mine in surrounding areas, he added.

·        ANDSF Launch Mopping Operations in Baghlan

·        ANDSF Launch Mopping Operation to Secure Kabul-Jalalabad Highway

It came at a time Afghan National and Defense Security Forces launched mopping operations in several parts of the country, including Baghlan and Kabul-Jalalabad highway, to ensure security during upcoming presidential elections set for September 28.

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