
150 Insurgents Give up Arms, Join Peace Process in Kunar

KUNAR (The Killid Group) – At least 150 armed insurgents joined peace process in eastern province of Kunar, as they surrendered their weapons to the government, local authorities said.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
4 Sep 2019
150 Insurgents Give up Arms, Join Peace Process in Kunar
At least 150 armed insurgents joined peace process in eastern province of Kunar, as they surrendered their weapons to the government on Wednesday, Sep. 4, 2019. (TKG)

KUNAR (The Killid Group) At least 150 armed insurgents joined peace process in eastern province of Kunar, as they surrendered their weapons to the government, local authorities said.

The Kunar press office said in a statement Wednesday that 150 insurgents, including 110 members of the Taliban and 40 members of ISIS, had surrendered their weapons and joined peace process.

Mowlawi Abdul Basi, a self-proclaimed governor for Kunar province, is one among 150 gave up their weapons, the statement read.

These insurgents used to carry attacks in Chapa Dara, Manogoy, Wata Poor and Sooky districts of the province.

Taliban and Daesh or ISIS did not immediately comment on the incident.

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