
Brussels Hosts Meeting on Afghan Peace Process

European Union and the United States held a meeting Wednesday in Brussels on the peace process in Afghanistan to examine the prospects and challenges on the topic.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
23 May 2019
Brussels Hosts Meeting on Afghan Peace Process

European Union and the United States held a meeting Wednesday in Brussels on the peace process in Afghanistan to examine the prospects and challenges on the topic.    

The High Peace Council in a statement said Chairman of the Council Mohammad Karim Khalili called on international community, especially countries concerned with Afghanistan, to intensify their efforts for facilitating the peace process in the country.

He also highlighted the achievements of the HPC, stressing the importance of the talks, adding talks should meet the satisfaction of all parties.

The statement further said Khalili expressed his gratitude to international partners for their cooperation and support in laying down a foundation for peace talks, urging for their further attention during the process.

Meanwhile, the US and EU counterparts emphasized the need for supporting Afghan peace process.

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