
Sancharak District of Sar-e-Pul on Verge of Collapse

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – After heavy clashes between the Taliban militants and local forces on Saturday night, Gojwa town of Sancharak district, including a police post, have fallen into Taliban’s hand, provincial security officials confirmed.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
3 Mar 2019
Sancharak District of Sar-e-Pul on Verge of Collapse

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – After heavy clashes between the Taliban militants and local forces on Saturday night, Gojwa town of Sancharak district, including a police post, have fallen into Taliban’s hand, provincial security officials confirmed.

Naqeebullah Daqiq, Sancharak District Governor, said to the Killid, “Following Gojwa, other towns and districts are feared to collapse into Taliban’s hand, which is a possible threat.”

After the collapse of Gojwa, route for transportation of goods in Masjid Sabz and Tub Khana areas are closed, Daqiq exclaimed. If forces do not provide immediate help, Mirza Olang’s mass killings will be repeated in Northwest province of Sar-e-Pul.

Meanwhile, local authorities in Sancharat district claimed the “Waleed 38” operations have not provided any security assistance to the residents.

At least six towns in the Sancharak district have fallen into hand of the Taliban for months, but Afghan forces who carried “Waleed 38” operations failed to retrieve collapsed areas.

Afghan forces have carried a two-day operation, dubbed as “Waleed 38”, to ensure security in Sancharak district. While returning to their base, Taliban militants have ambushed that resulted a great lose to both sides.

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