
Moscow Talks Amid Afghan Government Controversy

Amid Afghan government controversy over Moscow talks, on Tuesday, a number of prominent political figures met with the Taliban delegation in Moscow, Russia.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
6 Feb 2019
Moscow Talks Amid Afghan Government Controversy

Amid Afghan government controversy over Moscow talks, on Tuesday, a number of prominent political figures met with the Taliban delegation in Moscow, Russia.
Oppositionists claimed distractions in peace talks as lack of leadership of afghan government. The advocators, however, have a different perspective on the peace talks.
“Moscow’s talks between a number of political figures and Taliban delegations questions the legitimacy of the government,” Kabir Ranjbar, former parliamentarian said.
According to him, the America has dimmed the peace talks in Afghanistan which caused challenges in the process.
Meanwhile, politician Sadiq Modabir exclaimed peace will not be secured unless the Talibans agree upon a face-to-face talk with Afghan government.
Bashir Bezan, a politician, welcomes the talks saying, “Such meetings will eliminate the complexity among political groups. Because Afghan government does not have a clear approach in the process, and moves on self-opinionatedly.”
Furthermore, Sadiq Modabir, another Afghan politician, said peace will only be achievable when the government and Taliban agrees on peace talks. The talks between the afghan government and Taliban should be held as soon as possible, he added.
The Afghanistan’s constitution was mandated on Afghans by foreigners and was illegitimate, said Taliban delegation leader Abbas Stanakzai during the Moscow talk. The constitution is a major obstacle to peace, he added.
Previously Russia hosted a peace talk between the Taliban delegation and member of the Peace council, which didn’t not sum up in tangible results.

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