
Battle Ends in Aleppo as Deal Reached

Military action has ended in Aleppo, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said

نویسنده: popal
14 Dec 2016
Battle Ends in Aleppo as Deal Reached

Military action has ended in Aleppo, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said. He announced that pro-government troops had retaken control of the last areas of the city held by rebels. Arrangements had been made for rebel fighters to leave; the rebels confirmed the deal, but said civilians would also be allowed to leave. It has been reported that there was no bombardment or fighting in recent hours. The latest development could bring to an end more than four years of vicious fighting, in which thousands have been killed. The rebels had been squeezed into ever smaller areas of the city in recent months in a major government offensive backed by Russian air power, according to BBC. The UN and the US said the Syrian government and its allies Russia and Iran were accountable for any atrocities committed in the city.

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