
16 Insurgents Killed, Wounded in Sar-e-Pul Clashes

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – Taliban armed insurgents on Friday carried an ambush attack on Afghan security forces, as the convoy was heading back from an earlier “Waleed 38” military operation at Doo Aaba district of Sancharak, northern security officials confirmed.

نویسنده: Muhammad Arif Sheva
2 Mar 2019
16 Insurgents Killed, Wounded in Sar-e-Pul Clashes

Sar-e-Pul (The Killid) – Taliban armed insurgents on Friday carried an ambush attack on Afghan security forces, as the convoy was heading back from an earlier “Waleed 38” military operation at Doo Aaba district of Sancharak, northern security officials confirmed.

The ambush militant attack has resulted great lost to both sides.

Mohammad Hanif Razae, spokesman to the 209th Shaheen Corops, said to the Killid, “At least seven Taliban militants have been killed, nine other extremely wounded in the operation.”

Three Afghan forces lost their lives, and six further landed in hospital, Razae added. Two vehicles also wrecked in clashes.

Meanwhile, Taliban in a statement claimed that at least 10 police officers have been shot dead and 13 other captured by the group.

Taliban insurgents seized some eight armored and non-armored vehicles of Afghan forces, the statement reads.

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