
Thousands of Returnees from Pakistan

The deadline for refugees expelling from Pakistan has been over and it is decided that 1.4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan without legal documents will leave the country.

Samiullah Mobariz
14 Nov 2023
Thousands of Returnees from Pakistan

Gray dusts on their faces tell story of difficult moments and bad situation of the foreign country.

Refugees came illustrate the stories of their life’s violence and irritations in stanzas and songs.

An Afghan refugee frustrated-heart’s words, however many others who suffered atrocities and tortures of Pakistani soldiers, tell the same stories.

Any kind of tyrannies have not been stopped by Pakistan government to these refugees, they were thrown out of their homes, beaten, and their money was taken.

Refugees including women, children and over-aged people have been severely bothered.

An Afghan refugee, Lal Muhammad Safi, told Killid Radio his immigration story and stated the cruelty he had experienced.

“Police searched us at midnight, women and men were insulted. My brother was imprisoned, but we released him. We have come in uncomfortable situation. We sold a lot of goods for paying of fare. We had no money to pay just for carrying our baggage. We are expelled back. We were given deadline, it has been two nights in Torkham, we have come in a very bad situation.”

Lal Muhammad has alone experienced hardship, however many Afghan recent returnees have faced this kind of violence.

Sarfraz, a resident of Pachiragam district of Nangarhar, is about 50; indications of brutality can be seen in his face.

He says, Pakistani soldiers searched their houses and forced them to leave.

He adds: “The police arrested me once and I paid 7,000 AFs, again arrested me, I paid 5,000 AFs, and so, we were not let at homes, mosques, nor in shops. They did really brutality and beaten us by bushy sticks.”

The living circle was pretty narrow on these refugees, even they were not safe in city or street.

The returnee, Ghazi says: “I was going to work, was thrown out of vehicle, I had an old migrant ID with me, I made a copy, but it was not the original, he did not look at the ID, he broke the ID, took my ID and also grabbed me. I was slapped a few times, thrown out of vehicle. I was also disrespected in this. I just left work and came home.”

Although, returning of refugees to country is increasing daily, the Afghan authorities are talking about providing them all kinds of facilities.

Samiullah Samon, Sub-director of refugees and Returnees in Torkham, says:

“The families are waiting here for registration; the municipality provides them food facilities for lunch or dinner by direction of the provincial authority. Of course, the partner organizations cooperate in providing water, shelters and toilets. 80% facilities have been provided in all these areas. Of course, there are patients among them, so 80% facilities have been provided for them, too.

Officials say that 18 thousand and 350 families have been returned from Pakistan and arrival process of others is ongoing.

In the latest declaration of Islamic Emirate, Pakistani government has been asked not to seize the assets of Afghan refugees and treat them in the framework of internationally accepted principles.

Translated by Muhammad Yousuf “Zakir”

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