
Lack of Access to Health Services of Herat Earthquake Victims

Few weeks have been passed since the first earthquake in Herat, however still some earthquake victims are complaining about lack of access to health services and lack of medicines in their areas.

Roqia Hosseini
4 Nov 2023
Lack of Access to Health Services of Herat Earthquake Victims

They say that due to the lack of health teams in their areas, they have to walk a long way to the district center for patients’ treatment.

Mullah Nowruz, a resident of Rabat Sangi district, complains about the lack of medicine and health teams. He says: “They told us to go to the district for our patients’ treatment. We also went there, however no one gave us medicine. In this area, the doctors’ tent is just for showcase, they may spend their days here.”

Gul Ahmad, a victim of the earthquake in Gulran district, says that women and children in this area have become sick due to cold weather and they are walking to distant areas for their patients’ treatment.

“Our children have cold, fifteen to sixteen people go to private hospitals every day. People don’t even have money. We need house and shelter, and we request the Islamic Emirate to pay attention to our problems as soon as possible.”

Meantime, officials of the Herat Earthquake Caring Commission say that mobile health teams are available 24 hours to treat patients in earthquake-hit areas.

Ahmadullah Muttaqi, the spokesperson of this commission, says: “We have mobile health teams and primary clinics in the earthquake-hit areas. Patients who need treatment have even been transferred to Herat. If his treatment is not in Herat, we will send him to Kabul.”

Few weeks ago, some parts of Herat province were hit by a severe earthquake, 1,400 people were died and 2,449 houses were destroyed in the city and districts of the province as a result.

However, few weeks have passed since the first earthquake in this province, however some earthquake victims are still complaining about the slowness of the aid process and the lack of tents and living facilities.

Translated by Muhammad Yousuf “Zakir”

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