
Pakistani Police Storm the Former Prime Minister’s House and Arrested 61 People

According to the Pakistani authorities, the police arrested 61 of Imran Khan’s supporters after attacking the residence of the former Prime Minister of the country on Saturday, 18th of March.

Shir Ali Jafari
19 Mar 2023
Pakistani Police Storm the Former Prime Minister’s House and Arrested 61 People
Photo From Social Media

At least three Pakistani policemen were injured as a result of a gunman shooting.

According to eyewitnesses, police forces in Lahore dispersed the protesters by throwing tear gas.

Rana Sanaullah, the Interior Minister of Pakistan, said the police received some illegal weapons from Imran Khan’s house.

Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan and head of Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party, is accused of selling gifts received during his duty as the prime minister of Pakistan. The conflict between Imran Khan’s supporters and the police, started a few days ago when the police tried to arrest him.

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