
The New Earthquake Waved Turkey and Killed one Person

The Associated Press, citing Turkish officials, has reported that an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale shook southern Turkey on Monday (27th February), and at least one person died as a result of this earthquake.

Shir Ali Jafari
28 Feb 2023
The New Earthquake Waved Turkey and Killed one Person
Photo From Social Media

Younes Sezer, the head of the country’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), said that the epicenter of this earthquake was the town of Yesilyurt in Malatya province, and at least 100 people were injured and dozens of residential apartments collapsed.

Malatya province is one of the 11 provinces of Turkey that was damaged by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of southern Turkey and northern Syria on February 6 this year.

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