
UN Emphasized the Investigation on Discovered Mass Grave in Kandahar

The United Nations called for a full investigation of the discovered mass grave in Kandahar province.

Shir Ali Jafari
26 Sep 2022
UN Emphasized the Investigation on Discovered Mass Grave in Kandahar

The Islamic Emirate Officials in Spinboldak area of Kandahar province, have announced a mass grave belonging to the previous regime has been discovered in this area.

Patricia Gusman, the deputy head of the Asian division of the United Nations Human Rights Watch, posted on her Twitter that it is very important to investigate this case, based on international standards and ensure justice in this regard.

At the same time, Richard Bennett, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Afghanistan, has emphasized in a tweet that the bodies obtained should be transferred to forensic medicine before further destruction.

The Islamic Emirate officials, named General Abdul Razaq, the police commander of Kandahar in previous government, as responsible the person for this mass grave.

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