
US Department of State: Sheltering the leader of Al-Qaeda in Kabul is Against the Doha Agreement

The US Secretary of State says that the Islamic Emirate has violated the Doha Agreement by sheltering the leader of Al-Qaeda in Kabul.

2 Aug 2022
US Department of State: Sheltering the leader of Al-Qaeda in Kabul is Against the Doha Agreement

Anthony Blinken, in a statement published by the US Department of State, said: “by hosting the leader of Al-Qaeda, the Islamic Emirate betrayed the Afghan people and their own stated desire for recognition from and normalization with the international community.

Blinken emphasized that this work is against the Islamic Emirate’s commitment to the international community to prevent terrorists from using Afghanistan’s soil against other countries.

But Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, said that the US drone attack in Kabul was against the Doha agreement. Mujahid did not say anything about the killing of the al-Qaeda leader; but he stated that this plane attacked a residential house in Kabul.

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