
Taliban Capture Anardara District of Farah

Armed Taliban have captured district and police headquarters of Farah’s Anardara district, provincial officials confirmed, as foreign troops continue to withdraw from the country.

The Killid Group
15 Jun 2021

Afghan security forces on Monday night retreated following the Taliban escalation of attacks, evacuating the district and police headquarters, said Shah Mahmoud Naimi, deputy head of the provincial council.

They deployed in an army outpost after they left the district and police headquarters, he said.

According to him, initial reports indicated three policemen were killed and several others wounded in Taliban offensives.

Mr. Naimi added that there was only one army outpost in Anardara district controlled by Afghan forces.

Provincial officials have not commented yet.

The Taliban officials have announced the group fighters have captured the district.

It comes as two days back, the Lash Jawin district of the province had also fell to Taliban.

According to reports, as many as 30 government forces were killed in clashes in the district.

Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of Afghanistan’s high council for national reconciliation, which oversees talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Doha, has denied reports that district handovers are planned.

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