
Learning from Waziristan Scholars

Earlier this month a large number of religious scholars of North Waziristan area in Pakistan denounced terrorist operations terming them unIslamic. Can a similar initiative help Afghanistan? Earlier this month a large number of religious scholars of North Waziristan area in Pakistan denounced terrorist operations terming them unIslamic. Can a similar initiative help Afghanistan?The Waziristan […]

نویسنده: The Killid Group
2 Jul 2011
Learning from Waziristan Scholars

Earlier this month a large number of religious scholars of North Waziristan area in Pakistan denounced terrorist operations terming them unIslamic. Can a similar initiative help Afghanistan?

Earlier this month a large number of religious scholars of North Waziristan area in Pakistan denounced terrorist operations terming them unIslamic. Can a similar initiative help Afghanistan?
The Waziristan scholars warned against committing suicide bombings and launching terrorist operation which they said was contrary to Islamic precepts. The Pakistani state TV broadcast the event in which 300 well-known religious scholars gathered in the Eidak Religious School in Mir Ali area in North Waziristan on June 11 and declared their opposition to terrorist actions. News reports said these scholars also requested those extremists to stop launching suicide attacks and other terrorist operations and to stop killing civilians.
The example of the Waziri scholars could be a good example for Afghanistan. The major causes of insecurity and loss of civilian lives in Afghanistan are terrorist attacks and the operations of the international forces. Protests against international operations have been growing. Now religious scholars could play an important role by opposing suicide attacks.
If scholars express their opposition there could be a dramatic decrease in the civilian casualties. There have been a number of instances of religious scholars in Afghanistan, especially in Kabul, coming together to talk about how to ensure peace. Many scholars have also criticized the suicide bombings from time to time. If this is organized in a better way it could have much greater impact.
Recently religious scholars from the provinces of Paktia, Paktika, Ghazni, Logar, Maidan Wardak and Kabul gathered in Kabul. Addressing the gathering Maulvi Andul Hakim Munib, Deputy Minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs, said “we should tell the insurgents: ‘If you oppose peace, you are, in fact, opposing Afghan independence and it will worsen the situation of the country’.” He also requested armed insurgents to stop the insurgency and join the peace process.
Mohammad Yosouf Niazi, the Minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs, emphasized the role of religious scholars in making the situation better and said: “Afghan scholars should find solutions for current crisis based on their spiritual power among the people.” He also asked scholars to speak about ways of ensuring peace and security in the country and said that they should try to encourage cooperation of people with the Afghan government to improve the security situation.

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